Fighting Isolation and Loneliness
The last U.S. census found that nearly 30 percent of Americans 65 years old or older live alone. The numbers have probably grown since then. Isolation can lead to various problems for seniors, including the risk of illnesses or abuse.
The following link goes to an article about effective methods to help seniors avoid isolation: Six Powerful Ways to Help Seniors Avoid Isolation
Art and Creativity Good for Seniors
One nonprofit in Memphis has a mission of bringing the arts to seniors (and bringing seniors to the arts) throughout the region: Creative Aging Midsouth. The agency’s website shows how the arts can improve the daily lives of older citizens: Creative Aging Midsouth
Helpful Mobile Apps for Seniors
More and more seniors are using mobile devices. Here is a link to a good article that explains the kind of applications that can be helpful to health and safety:Nine Essential Apps for Seniors